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New Lower Bounds for Constant-Composition Codes

Data : 2020/04/30 Hits :

Speaker:Dr. Wang Xin is a lecturer of Suzhou University. His main research interest is combinatorics and its application in information science. He has published more than 10 SCI papers in IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory and Des. Codes Cryptogr.

Date:May 01, 2020


Location:ZOOM meeting athttps://zoom.com.cn/j/2936654514


Constant-composition codes are a subclass of constant weight codes, in which both weight restriction and element composition restriction are involved. When $d\geq 4$, the problem of determining the maximum size of a constant-composition code for general parameters is much less understood. In this talk, we give a new construction for constant-composition codes with techniques in additive number theory. It turns out that when $d=4$ and $5$ our bound improves the one by Ding (2008) substantially. Moreover, we provide a new connection between constant-composition codes and linear block codes with certain properties. It turns out that when $d\geq 6$ our new lower bound improves the previous one by Ding (2008) substantially.

Edited by:Xu Zeyu

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