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Bandwidth VS Sub-packetization in High-rate MDS Codes for Distributed Storage Systems

Data : 2020/05/25 Hits :

Speaker:Dr. Jie Li is a postdoc at the Department of Mathematics and System Analysis,Aalto University,Finland. In June 2017, he received his doctorate from Southwest Jiaotong University. During his doctorate, he visited the Department of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science of the University of Tennessee for one year with the support of CSC. From June 2017 to February 2019, he did his postdoc at the Mathematics Department of Hubei University, during which he visited Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and University of Maryland. His main research directions are distributed storage system, secret information extraction, distributed computing, sequence design, cryptography theory and so on. In recent years, he has published more than 10 SCI papers in journals such as IEEE Trans. Inf. theory, IEEE Trans. Commun., and presided over the youth fund project of NSFC and one general support project of China Postdoctoral fund. Dr. Li was awarded IEEE Jack Keil Wolf ISIT Student Paper Award in 2017 and IEEE Chengdu Section Excellent Student Paper Award in 2016.

Date:June 05, 2020


Location: Welcome to ZOOM meeting, https://zoom.com.cn/j/2936654514


Optimal node repair in coding for distributed storage systems is a central topic. However, existing high-rate maximum distance separable (MDS) codes with the optimal repair bandwidth require a significantly large sub-packetization level, which may prevent the codes to be implemented in practical systems. In this talk, we first introduce a generic transformation that can convert any nonbinary MDS code into another one such that some target nodes can be optimally repaired, and then present another transformation that can greatly reduce the sub-packetization level of high-rate MDS codes with the optimal repair bandwidth.

Inviter:Prof. Sihuang Hu

Edited by:Xu Zeyu

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