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学术报告《Invisible Finger: Practical Electromagnetic Interference Attack on Touchscreen-based Electronic Devices》

发布日期:2023/03/09 点击量:

【报告题目】: Invisible Finger: Practical Electromagnetic Interference Attack on Touchscreen-based Electronic Devices

【报告时间】: 2023年3月10日 上午10:30

【报告地点】: 淦昌苑D座320

【报 告 人】 : 金意儿

Abstract: Touchscreen-based electronic devices such as smart phones and smart tablets are widely used in our daily life. While the security of electronic devices have been heavily investigated recently, the resilience of touchscreens against various attacks has yet to be thoroughly investigated. In this talk, I will show that touchscreen-based electronic devices are vulnerable to intentional electromagnetic interference (IEMI) attacks in a systematic way and how to conduct this attack in a practical way. I will show how to calculate both the minimum amount of electric field and signal frequency required to induce touchscreen ghost touches. I will further analyze our IEMI attack on real touchscreens with different magnitudes, frequencies, duration, and multitouch patterns. This new attack works directly on the touchscreen circuit regardless of the touchscreen scanning mechanism or operating system. I will conclude the talk with potential solutions for touchscreen protection against IEMI, or similar, attacks.

主讲人简介: 金意儿,佛罗里达大学名誉教授,IEEE硬件安全与可信专委会联席主席。他的研究领域主要涉及软硬件协同安全和新兴集成电路安全,包括硬件支持的系统安全,集成电路产业链安全,以及可信自动化等。他撰写了集成电路安全一书,同时在国际知名期刊和杂志上发表了超过200篇论文,是亚洲硬件安全年会的联合创办人。他目前是IEEE设计自动化委员会的杰出讲师。他的论文获得了多项最佳论文奖,包括DAC、ASP-DAC、DATE、HOST、IEEE S&P、ACM TODAES等会议和期刊,他本人也获得包括美国能源部和美国海军在内的多项杰出青年教授奖。






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